Les Saintes

A basket full of heartache
Even heartache tastes sweet in Paradise. At least on the archipelago of Les Saintes in Southern Guadeloupe. "Tourments d’Amour"- "Agonies of love" in translation, is the name for a special kind of cake baked there.
By Bernhard Grdseloff
By Bernhard Grdseloff
In the early hours of the morning, when their men set out onto the dangerous sea, the fishermen’s wives are at home preparing this delicacy, tormented by fears for the safety of their loved ones. Mylene Mathias learned the carefully preserved recipe from her mother: a short pastry crust filled with a special jam made of coconuts, cinnamon, limes and other exotic ingredients. "I have already baked some for my boyfriend, of course," says the beautiful islander. "The most important ingredient is the love you put into making them". In the photo, Mylene is wearing the traditional hat of Les Saintes which is thought to have its roots in Asia.
Judging on form alone, you might think the hat comes from Indo-China, but its wearers, the inhabitants of the little group of islands south of Guadeloupe, Les Saintes, can almost all trace their roots back to Normandy. One thing is certain though: the hats are unique. The pointy-ended brim sits not on one’s head, but on a 6 inch high woven column. It’s not a woman’s hat – in fact, it’s usulayy worn only by the fishermen.